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It is evident that in life, there are certain circumstances we never had a hand in, choosing the path we followed or wound up in. For example, we have no power in determining the family, the tribe, the country, the gender or the religious faith we were born into. Life made this decision for us without our consent. However, life is kind enough to give us the freewill of determining if we are to remain under whatever label we were given at birth. But before one will comfortably change this equation, the person first has to arm himself with certain prerequisite knowledge of who he is. Maybe this is what the age long Greek axiom meant when it admonished: Man Know Thyself.

For all intents and purposes, one must undergo a self imposed journey of self realization, if he ever wants to change any card that life has dealt him, or if he ever wants to understand why he is behaving the way he does, where he is and what makes him what. Failure to undertake this journey, and one ends up making himself a liability to the human race and becomes, at best, a breathing tragedy.  Now, you can understand why the society is filled with so much rancor, blame games, fights and wars, betrayals, selfishness and morbid wickedness: man has failed to know himself, his purpose, his reason for existence and how to exist comfortably in his pursuit of happiness without abusing the next fellow.

Man is made up of a spirit, soul and a body. (more…)

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