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Rihanna burned Chris Brown’s letter

Rihanna-and-Chris-Brown-break-upRihanna burned Chris Brown’s New Year apology letter to her.

The ‘Fine China’ singer wrote a letter to his pop star ex-girlfriend – whom he was convicted of assaulting in 2009, but later reconciled with at various points between 2012 and 2013 – apologising for the way he has treated her, but she was less than impressed and set fire to it.

A source told Hollywoodlife.com: ”She put Chris to bed last year for good. As [she and her friends] smoked, Rihanna pulled out this fake ass letter. She put it in the middle of the bed on top of a big candle holder, and put her burnt ashes on it. They all started to put ashes on that letter until it burned.

”Rihanna said, ‘Good riddance,’ and continued to entertain her guests.”

Chris is currently in rehab for anger management in California and was comforted over Christmas by his new girlfriend, Karrueche Tran. Meanwhile, Rihanna – who has been romantically linked to Drake, Matt Kemp and A$AP Rocky since initially dating Chris – is looking forward to a drama free year with no hassle from men.

A source said: ”She wants to have a happy, stress-free year, and she’s done with bullshit from men in her life. She’s gone through some [stuff] last year, and the year before, and she’s over games.”

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  1. Akintayo

     /  January 6, 2014

    Hmmmmmm! Let’s see wt d coming months will hold, d year is still very young girl.

  2. Yemie

     /  January 6, 2014

    Rihanna and Chris Brown: The tale of an impossible, forbidden, toxic edging on arsenic love story. This is what tragic love stories are made of and gives credence to the saying, ‘can’t live with you, can’t possibly live without you’. I hope Hollywood movie makers are taking note, I foresee a film likely to topple ‘Titanic’ and ‘Gone with the wind’ . LOL!

  3. Nancy

     /  January 6, 2014

    Amen o.I pray she’s finally grown up!


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